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Making music used to be fun...

(and it doesn’t have to be an anxiety-inducing burden now)

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Evidence-based coaching for professional and aspiring singers and musicians who want to turn the stage back into their playground

If you’ve come to dread getting up on the stage, even though that’s been your passion and art for so long, you are not alone (though it might feel like you are).

Welcome! I’m so glad you are here.

Hi, I'm Gökçe.

As a coach with 1800+ hours of experience

and 260+ students,

I help musicians overcome performance anxiety,

self-doubt and perfectionism so they can

perform confidently under pressure and love their craft again.

Mental wellness and resilience   they are what performers need to build joyful, sustainable careers, but nobody is teaching this in music school.

My specialty is in supporting performers to cultivate an unshakable sense of wellbeing, so you can
 enjoy a long and sustainable career in performing arts. 


Ways to Work with Me

Singers & Musicians

Let’s work one-on-one to quiet the nerves and the judgemental inner voice that says ‘you can’t do this’ so you can perform confidently under pressure and love making music again.

Music Teachers

Join the upcoming program for music educators to understand performance anxiety and support your students with self-consciousness, nerves, and fear of judgement.


Evidence-based music performance anxiety and mental resilience support workshops and seminars for professional and educational institutions.

Gökçe is such a warm, empathetic person, with such a clear logical perspective and approach. Her programme proved so beneficial to me in more ways than I could have imagined. There would be an explanation in her programme for every issue that I experienced, which made me feel I wasn't alone in this.


I'd never experienced something like this before and I was so impressed with the whole process. I highly recommend Gökçe to anyone dealing with performance anxiety. 

— Corina Ignat (Opera Singer)


Your Performance Nemesis E-Book

Get your free guide to understand what's holding you back from shining on stage, so you can overcome it to perform freely and confidently (and actually enjoy it!).

It's an actually free freebie (not a bait for your email address — we don’t do that here). 

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You are invited to my
Colour & Connect Hour:

Grab your favourite drink and 
join my painting break —  let's get to know each other, talk about music, put our heads together for your performances and get creative.

Every month, Wednesday @ 4:00 PM GMT


Recent Posts From
 The Joyful Musician Blog

Letters On 
Musicianship & Mindset


Once or twice a week, I share my best tips on overcoming performance anxiety and self-doubt for a fulfilling career. Occasionally I also send out some gifts and let you know if I am working on something that might be of interest to you.


Plus, you get exclusive access to my cat's most judgemental photos when you subscribe to my letters!

Absolutely no spam, and you can easily unsubscribe anytime. 

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Meet the always judgemental Cookie

Curious about how to pronounce my name?

Click below to 

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** Spoiler Alert: It sounds like 'gotcha' with a K instead of T... kind of.

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